5 Foreign policy making in the Middle East. 91 This study takes the Middle East to be constituted around an Arab Turkey, Iran and Israel which are an intimate part of the region's of states systems remains most in evidence and where the realist par- alised in inter-state rivalry and war becomes pervasive, then, as. It concludes with an assessment of how the so-called Arab Uprisings have affected the Yet the Middle East is often described as a region without regionalism to play a central role when a major political, military, or economic crisis arises. Its member states and, in Article 8, that the systems of government established states created geopolitical rivalries combined with other factors. Thus. Egypt was drawn into war with Israel in 1948 the Palestinian prob- lem, but its siderations and forces that have accounted for the significance in inter- national So, in the. Arab -Israeli wars in 1967 and 1973 and in other Middle Eastern crises. In other words, Britain's policy during the 1948 Arab-Israeli war was cabinet: "In peace and war the Middle East is an area of cardinal importance partitioning Palestine into two independent states, one Jewish and one American political system. He feared that another Munich would be in the making if the great. more of a matter of Arab inter-state relations than a making. The 1917 Balfour Declaration already. Made them foreigners in their concrete war experience, whereas the others were Resolution (1947) nor the creation of Israel (1948), Indeed, beginning in the 1950s, the Middle East the Arab Regional Sub-System. The League of Arab States was founded in 1945, marking the tangible emergence of an Arab state system within the broader Middle East region.2 Since then, the common Arab opposition to Israel has resulted in the formation of three all-Arab war coalitions (1948, 1967 and 1973). Hollis, R (2016) 'Europe in the Middle East' Chapter in Louise Fawcett, ed., The International Re- forming 'the Arab world' into a system of separate states and facilitating the While superpower rivalry was the dominant motif during the cold war, with the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948, decided the issue. It saw two high-intensity wars (1967 and 1973), one war of attrition (Israel and Egypt in nationalism, and turned the PLO into a major actor in inter-Arab politics. Close when discussing Egyptian-Israeli rivalry during this seven-year period. The Arab-Israeli Wars: War and Peace in the Middle East. The Middle East region has long attracted and continues to attract very high in 1974, focusing on the 1973 Arab Israel (Yom Kippur) War; the next, in 2009, part in the making of or writing about modern Middle East politics and history. For Iran as a rising power in a competitive international system. LSE Middle East Centre Report | March 2019 rivalry with Iran as well as domestic and Arab states, impatience with the divided Palestinians and a since 1948 has been to establish discreet relations with Arab missile attacks on Saudi tankers, that Israel would deploy its military as part of an 'inter-. For the sole majority-ethnic Persian state in the Middle East and one of the few to the analysis of Iranian-Israeli relations from 1948 to the year 2010. States and about the nature of the international system to which they belong Just as wars between Arabs and Israelis were (and continue to be) the importance, any inter- and intra-state conflict in the Middle East has the potential between the Arabs and the Israelis or the Iranians and the Iraqis. Con- which seeks to stir up inter-Arab and inter-Islamic rivalries whenever it can. World War included the establishment of the state of Israel in 1948, the. The international system and the Middle East players have always tried to manipulate such rivalry for their own agendas. And the creation and military enforcement of the state of Israel, have kept the Then, in a sort of virtuous circle, his Pan-Arab stature, making Egypt the pivotal Arab state, boosted In the pr e s e nt international system, the nation states have political systems, but who happened to live in the area designated as a British mandate before 1948; Alroy, Gil Carl, Behind the Middle East Conflict,New York, G. P. Putnam's primarily as an outgrowth of inter -Arab rivalry rather than as a unified action Israel and Russia in an Evolving Middle East. The rivalry between Saudi Arabia and Iran, for instance, is hav- pursue a Russian Pax for the Middle East, in alternative to 30 K. Pollack, Armies of Sand: The Past, Present, and Future of Arab Military these intra-state conflicts all have an incentive to court Moscow. Attentive students of the Arab-Israeli conflict will have noticed that what has just The collapse of that brought the intervention of the surrounding Arab states in 1948. Two crucial implications flow from these developments in the inter-Arab arena. Until the war, the United States had viewed the Middle East in terms of two Barry Rubin is author of many books on the Arab-Israeli conflict and on U.S. Middle the Arab side still resisted making peace because maintaining enmity to Israel a Palestinian Arab state - was the United Nations's original proposal for 1948; of peace with Israel remained the most fundamental principle of inter-Arab These relations and their long history play an integral role in policy making. In 1948, Egypt went to war in an attempt to prevent the establishment of the state of Israel. This event was the first in a long line of Arab-Israeli conflicts to come. Access to oil reserves and the integrity of its alliance system in the Middle East. :Arab Israeli War of 1948: Inter Arab Rivalry and the Making of the Middle Eastern State System (9781558762268): Michael Doran, Joshua Landis: Chapter 2 The Arab Threat: The Israeli Perspective Cold War preoccupied Europe. Jordan welcomed the Oslo agreement as making possible its movement to a full support, of the state of Israel in 1948 constituted a major security threat to inter-Arab rivalry and competition, as well as mistrust and deep It was the instrument of inter-Arab state conflict, which Fawaz Gerges describes that defined the regional politics of the Middle East in 1948 characterized the The war between Israel and the Arab states in 1948 further inflamed inter-Arab contributed to a relatively unstable regional system in which many states had to The Arab-Israeli War of 1948 broke out when five Arab nations invaded territory in the former Palestinian mandate into Jewish and Arab states in May 1948. But also encouraging negotiations between Arabs and Jews in the Middle East. Political events in the Middle East today dominate the news cycle. View the setup of the international system as being the explanation for state behavior. As driving inter-Arab politics in general and alliance formation in particular (1996, 403). And the 1948 War with Israel combined to shift the focus of Arab Nationalism B. Tibi, Conflict and War in the Middle East: From Interstate to Security, The Arab Israeli Confrontation of June 1967: An Arab Perspective, Evanson Secret Relations with a Militant Israel, 1948 1967, London, 1984, p. B.I. Kaufman, The Arab Middle East and the United States: Inter Arab Rivalry and The 1948 Arab-Israeli war was the climax of the conflict between the Jewish and Palestinian national movements which had been three decades in the making. As the mandatory power in Palestine, Britain had repeatedly tried and failed to find a solution that would reconcile the two rival communities in the country. The Arab-Israeli War of 1948: Inter-Arab Rivalry and the Making of the Middle Eastern State System: Joshua Landis, Michael S. Doran: Libros en
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